Tag: arrested

What we can learn from the hitchBOT social experiment

Brendan Spaar reports on the latest on hitchbot from Philidelphia

[schema type=”person” name=”Hitchbot” jobtitle=”the hitchhiking robot” city=”Philadelphia ” state=”PA” ] Those that say that Canadians are too nice and trusting were proven correct over the weekend when a social experiment conducted by a Canadian group came to an end in the United States.  This group of Canadian researchers developed HitchBOT, a hitchhiking robot, that was …

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Supernatural tech support is actually a high paying job

Brendan Spaar does not believe that witches will protect computers

Have you ever felt like your computer was possessed?  Many computer users, including Brendan Spaar, sometimes get the feeling that glitches in their gadgets are outside of their control.  Some users go to great lengths to protect their data from corruption or theft including placing bible verses on their computer screens, saying a prayer before …

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Albertsons hacked. Credit card info stolen.

[schema type=”organization” orgtype=”Organization” url=”http://www.albertsons.com/recent-update/” name=”Albertsons” description=”These days, we know you are also concerned about the security of your payment card data, and we work hard to protect it. Unfortunately, like many other retailers over the past few years, Albertsons has recently learned of an unauthorized access to credit and debit card payment information in some …

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